Sunday, December 19, 2010

UFOs Over China

Here is a video of the UFOs that were over China earlier this year. The first sighting took place on June 30th, 2010, the second on July 8th, 2010 that caused the closure of the Xiaoshan Airport. Click here for the video >>>>

UFO video on CNN

Is this a sign of disclosure to come? CNN has a YouTube video on their website of a UFO over Georgia that looks like it is on fire. What's different about this one is that the reporter seems to agree that it is a strange object, that is a welcome switch from their usual debunking UFOs. Are they trying to condition the public for an up coming event? Click here for the video >>>>

New Documentary "The Day Before Disclosure"

There is a very interesting documentary that recently came out called "The Day Before Disclosure". It is a film documenting the growing awareness and the build up to what can potentially be the single, most important event in human history.

It talks about researchers, reporters and the governmental and military personnel that were sworn to silence. It has the who's who in ufology like Steven Greer, Edgar Mitchell, Steve Basset, Stanton Friedman, Jim Marrs, Nick Pope, Dr Roger Leir and many more. Click here for the video >>>>

Stephen Bassett talks WikiLeaks

Stephen Bassett was on "Coast to Coast" on Friday Dec 3rd 2010. Mr Bassett talked about the yet to be released documents on UFOs that WikiLeaks will reveal. Mr. Assange indicated WikiLeaks has been receiving UFO/ET related material and that it would be published on his site. Click here for the video >>>

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Possible UFO and ET sighting

This video was taking partly with night vision and you can see a UFO first then a ET that jumps awy with what looks like super powers. Click here>>

Video of UFO in Russia.

Here's a video of UFOs that were caught on video by a russian man who claims he may have had contact with aliens. Click here>>>>

UFO Rods

Documentary of the rods that have been appearing on videos all over the world. Ther are usually so fast that you don't usually see them click here for the video Part 1 of 4. >>>

Video Reconstruction of The Battle of LA

CGI of the Battle of LA. Click HERE!

Battle of LA

This is a picture of the" Battle of LA" in 1942, were a UFO was shot at by the US millitary.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Foo Fighters

When I Say "Foo Fighters", I am not talking about the rock band, I am referring to the foo fighters of WWII. Foo fighters were these little balls of light that varied in color and size, some were a few inches across, some were a couple feet. These balls of light would follow warplanes confusing all sides, everyone thought they were the opposing enemies new technology. They had alot of attention back then and even Time magazine wrote an artical on them in 1945.

These are some of the reported sightings: In 1943, US bomber pilots flying from Burma to China reported being followed and circled by glittering objects, their instruments failed to operate until the object left. On August 10, 1944 a B29 Bomber on a mission over Palembang Sumatra occupants reported a intense red or orange sphere that pulsated. It stayed with them for about 8 minutes then made a sharp 90 degree turn and zipped away. On October 14, 1943, US B17s flying over Schweinfurt Germany, when they encountered a fleet of tiny silvery disks that were flying toward them in formation. The UFOs were only 4" in diameter and one of them even hit the plane but had no effect on it. Another incident was on December 22, 1944, Lt David Mcfalls of the US 415th fighter squadron was over Hagenau Germany where, at 6:00am he saw 2 bright orange lights climbing toward the plane. Mcfalls dived and banked and turned his plane, but the UFOs Stuck with him for 2 minutes then took off and blinked out. One pilot has reported seeing them two times in his life, Dwane Adams claims he first saw them at the end of WWII flying a B25 bomber and then again in the early 1960s, while piloting a KC135 tanker. Both incidents had a bright light that followed his planes and both times the whole crew witnessed the UFOs.

During WWII captured enemy airmen were interrogated and revealed that both the German and Japanese fliers had reported these things following them. Most of the accounts over the years the people claim that the objects didn't seem aggressive, they are still reported to this day. I think they are a type of probe from an advanced race that use them for reconnaissance. For all you skeptics out there, here's some Foo Fighter lyrics for you "Cheer Up Boys (your Make-Up Is Running)".

Monday, February 1, 2010

UFOs By The Sun

NASA has taken images of some really large UFOs next to the sun, (using STEREO Behind) that are supposedly in its orbit. It has been said that the strange objects have been there since January 18th, 2010. I know that you can see the other planets like this as well but, I don't think they are that close together. It also appears to be reflecting light, like its made out of some type of metal. Leave me a comment and Let me know what you think they are. Here's a link for a video